Prayer Timings
Imamia Community Association of Peterborough (ICAP) is a non-profit organisation (Registered Charity # 1163467) located in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. Our Mission Statement reads," To promote the teachings of the Ahle Bait (AS) by organising Majalis, Seminars and Workshops and cater for religious needs of all Shia Ithna-Asheri inhabitants of Peterborough and surroundings without distinction of Gender, Caste or Ethnicity."
We also aim to associate together the local Shia Muslim community and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of religious, social welfare for recreation and leisure-time ...
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Program Schedule
Speaker: Mohtarma Zahra Kassamali
Start: 01:00 PM
Speaker: Mulla Mohammad Kassamali
Start: 02:00 PM
Speaker: Moulana Ejaz Hussain Ashna
Start: 09:00 PM
Crying out of fear from God is deliverance from the hellfire.
~ Imam Hussain A.S.
Crying out of fear from God is deliverance from the hellfire.
~ Imam Hussain A.S.
Crying out of fear from God is deliverance from the hellfire.
~ Imam Hussain A.S.
ICAP has the Ijaza for collecting Khums from the Wakeel of Ayatullah al’ Azuma Syed Ali Husayni Sistani.
We offer full Niyaz e Hussain after every Majlis. Please donate generously.
A special fund exclusively used for Imambargah Building extension project. It’s an opportunity to invest in your future in this league and hereafter. Please Donate generously.
Donations received in this category are used for the day to day running of Imam bargah (mortgage, utilities, etc).